Taking Your Time vs. Wasting Your Time

We’re all told there are certain things you don’t talk about on a first date. Sex, politics, exes, marriage and kids. And granted, on a first date it may [...]

The One Big Dumb Thing

You know that feeling when you meet somebody knew and everything just clicks? Conversation's good, they look good, they have their shit together... but then it happens. They say [...]

Easy New Year’s Resolutions

2020 was an absolute shitshow, but we have good hopes for the new year. However, so as not to test 2021 as much, we will be making no “Come [...]

10 Perfect First Date Conversation Starters

When you hit your 30s you generally don’t have the patience to be dicking around. We have careers to build. Friends to see. Travels to make. You want to [...]

Relationships with an Expiration Date: what now?

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When Should You Have Your Shit Together?

Did you know there’s a deadline to when you should have your shit together? Now that I’m 30 for some reason people seem to have expected me to magically [...]

Enough With the Judgment Already

Sometime last week I was with a group of friends and we walked past a new apartment building with really big windows. One of them commented on how it’s [...]

Preparing for 30

I’m getting a bit personal on this one. I’m about to turn 30 and figured I’d take some life-altering lessons and gather them here rather than in a little [...]

The Playbook: Rules of the DM Game

Cuffing season has come to an official close, and that means that hunting season is upon us. Some of you may have been a little late to the DM [...]

Why Do People Lie?

Lying has always been fascinating to me. I’ve never really been a fan, which could also be due to the fact that I have a natural inability to lie. [...]
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Why Branding is Important? (Part 4)

Joe Rogan Show
